
22|Blue Moon Saloon|休閒驛站

分發類型: IEE往年雇主,僅供參考- 暫不開放
薪資 $8.75




【蒙大拿州 MT】


【工作開始: 6月15日~6月25日】 - 【工作結束: 9月25日~9月30日】- 限女性畢業生


▶ 雇主提供住宿(mobile home),3-4人一間

▶ 住宿費 : $200+tax 每月/每人



▶ Back of the House Restaurant Worker  

Prep work in the kitchen, assist the cooks and servers. Bussing tables, greet guests, clean dining room, clean restaurant, and bathroom. Dishwasher. Ready to work
and live in an isolated Montana town. Need to love nature. Responsible for washing dishes, clean tables, stocking silverware and keeping the whole kitchen and restaurant clean. Maintains daily cleanliness and maintenance of dish machine. Operate large-volume cooking equipment such as grills, deep-fat fryers, or griddles. Clean, stock, and restock workstations. Assist wait staff. Be prepared to work in a high pace environment and hot environment. Stand and walk for long periods of time.

▶ Front of the House Restaurant Worker 

Interact with guests. Cashier in the store. Help serve customers. Bussing tables, greet guests, clean dining room, clean restaurant, and bathroom. Dishwasher.
Ready to work and live in an isolated Montana town. Need to love nature. Ability to operate with U.S. money and credit cards. Operate the cash register. Scoop Ice-Cream. Greet customersw and provide them with a service in a timely manner. Clean the table, floor and whole restaurant area if needed. Assist in some food preparation. Be prepared to work in a high pace environment and hot environment. Stand and walk for long periods of time

▶ Housekeeper 

Serious about housekeeping job students. Clean cabins and bathrooms. Ready to work and live in an isolated Montana town. Need to love nature. Be prepared to work in a high pace environment and hot environment. Stand and walk for long periods of time.


【英文能力要求:3 級

級分解釋:分為1~5級分,3級為普遍大學生的英語程度,3-需要加強整體英語能力;而3+級表示聽、說和詞彙量具高水準,接近native speaker。

▶ 限2021年畢業並且沒有要繼續升學的女生

▶ 必須身體強健,個性外向主動大方

▶ 適合喜愛大自然純樸的生活者





Blue Moon Saloon位於距離黃石國家公園西口只有一小時車程的 Cameron,結合了小木屋住宿、餐廳、拖車露營等的休閒驛站,經營已有超過百年。





其他 工作資訊

09|Wall Drug Store|綜合賣場 立即申請

09|Wall Drug Store|綜合賣場

開放報名 - 雇主面談陸續進行中,確定日期待公告
08| The Silvercryst Supper Club and Resort 立即申請

08| The Silvercryst Supper Club and Resort

開放報名 - 雇主面談 - 2024年1月18日
13|Vail Mountain Resort|度假山城 立即申請

13|Vail Mountain Resort|度假山城

開放報名 - 雇主面談 - 另行通知