
02-1|Yellowstone National Park|黃石國家公園 (Xanterra Park & Resort)

分發類型: 開放報名- 雇主面談暫定 - 2024年3月底
薪資 $8.00 ~15.00


【Xanterra Park & Resort at Yellowstone 黃石國家公園】


【蒙大拿州 MT】


【工作報到日:6月1日~6月27日】(如7月份報到, 必須打工到9/30) - 【工作結束日: 9月19日 ~ 9月30日】


▶ 雇主提供員工宿舍

住宿+3餐費用:$233.61/每2週/每人 (2024數據),大約$467.22 /月/每人

▶ Daily Clinic Fee: $1.14 a day (2024數據)--There is a mandatory deduction for park medical clinics that is approximately $1.11 per day. 



▶ Resort Worker - Position will be assigned upon arrival : ($15/小時)

Students are assigned to either KITCHEN WORKER (washing dishes, serving in a cafeteria, preparing food, cashiering, cleaning) or HOUSEKEEPER - cleaning hotel rooms (changing beds, vacuuming, dusting), cleaning bathrooms (includes toilets and floors), emptying garbage and recyclables. Chemical use is involved with both positions, gloves are provided. Position and village in Yellowstone are determined upon arrival, based on our staffing needs. Both positions require lifting up to 23k.

▶ Waiter/Waitress ($8/小時 有小費

Server Assistant help guests, servers, and hosts in our dining rooms by clearing, cleaning and resetting tables and keeping beverage glasses filled. And, as with all of our front of the house staff, Server Assistants answer guest questions, listen to stories, and share their own enthusiasm for the Park.

▶ Retail Sales ($15/小時)

Retail Sales workers sell a wide variety of merchandise including: books, games, clothing, pottery and multiple souvenirs. They work in our gift shops and are responsible for the cleanliness and appearance of the shop, inventory and stocking items, as well as answering guest questions and working at the cashier to complete sales.


【英文能力要求:3 級

級分解釋:分為1~5級分,3級為普遍大學生的英語程度,3-需要加強整體英語能力;而3+級表示聽、說和詞彙量具高水準,接近native speaker。

▶ 優先錄取資格:能夠早報到 (6月中旬以前) 或晚結束 (9月中旬以後)


4mycareer網站分享:黃石公園—成長之旅 (點擊圖片)




園區內打工學生工作地點主要分為Mammoth、Norris、Old Faithful、Fishing Bridge、Canyon、Tower、Grand等等。而最大的景點莫過於Old Faithful的Gyser,每隔90分鐘就會噴發一次。


除了爬山之後,休閒活動的種類也很多。騎馬、朔溪、營火晚會和湖邊野餐等等。 如果能待到9月中以後的學生,還能享受看雪景和打學仗的樂趣喔!其實黃石公園的光害很少,所以晚上躺著望向天空,才能真正體會星空有多閃爍。且天氣涼爽,所以不需要怕在室外會熱的問題。


1. 工作結束日在9月初 : 基本上不用帶太厚的衣服,薄長袖、幾套藍色短袖上衣(工作服)和4、5套休閒便服。因為七至八月的黃石白天很熱,到晚上或是九月初才會開始轉涼。

2. 工作結束日到9月底 : 因為會經歷夏天到冬天的轉變,所以短袖跟長袖都需要準備,非常怕冷的同學再帶羽絨衣就好,不然很佔行李空間,外套的話建議帶風衣或最近流行的羊羔毛外套都很適合。


其他 工作資訊

30|Delaware North - Ridgeline at Yellowstone|黃石國家公園休閒旅館 立即申請

30|Delaware North - Ridgeline at Yellowstone|黃石國家公園休閒旅館

IEE往年雇主,僅供參考- 暫不開放
05|Grand Canyon National Park|大峽谷國家公園 立即申請

05|Grand Canyon National Park|大峽谷國家公園

開放報名 - 雇主面談陸續進行中,確定日期待公告
03-4 Denali Park Village 德納利公園村旅館 立即申請

03-4 Denali Park Village 德納利公園村旅館

開放報名 - 雇主面談 - 2024年3月14 & 15日