
19|Kampgrounds of America KOA|渡假村

分發類型: 開放報名 - 雇主面談陸續進行中,確定日期待公告
薪資 $13.00




【南達科塔州 SD】


【工作開始: 6月1日~6月30日】 - 【工作結束: 8月30日 ~9月30日】


▶ 員工宿舍,2-4人一房

▶ 住宿費 : $30+稅金/每人/每週 

▶ $125押金



General cleaning, clean bathrooms, kitchens, making beds, cleaning common area, work in the laundry, vacuuming, etc.… Please see attached the detailed information on Housekeeper job duties

▶ Shower Crew 泳池及淋浴室打掃清潔 

Deep cleaning of shower house, bathrooms, scrubbingcleaning windows, floors, laundry, etc.

Shower Crew job duties

  • Deep cleaning of shower house, bathrooms, scrubbing cleaning windows, floors, laundry, etc.… Please see attached the detailed information on Shower Crew job duties
  • Able to perform cleaning, physical tasks, walking, bending, carrying and using chemicals in a safe manner
  • Students should be prepared to live and work at a remote location and hard work at the Kampground
  • Students must be prepared for high and low hotel occupancy and work as many as possible hours during high peak business and expect low hours during the slow weeks of hotel operation!
  • Having a driver license is a plus. No smoking facility!



【英文能力要求:3-  】


▶ 身體強健,沒有皮膚過敏或呼吸道敏感問題,也沒有背部脊椎腰部或關節問題。



位於SD州南邊的風景區 Black Hills,靠近總統山國家紀念園區




其他 工作資訊

32|Wilderness at the Smokies & Soaky Mountain Waterpark|水上樂園 立即申請

32|Wilderness at the Smokies & Soaky Mountain Waterpark|水上樂園

IEE往年雇主,僅供參考- 暫不開放
02-2|Yellowstone National Park|黃石國家公園 (DNC) 立即申請

02-2|Yellowstone National Park|黃石國家公園 (DNC)

開放報名 - 雇主面談 - 2024年3月 ( 額滿)
03-3|YMCA-Camp Whittle洛杉磯營隊 立即申請

03-3|YMCA-Camp Whittle洛杉磯營隊

開放報名 - 雇主面談 -2024年3月6日